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From email to phone number, a new OSINT approach

Lately I’ve been spending time researching weaknesses and attack vectors in password reset options. At BSides Las Vegas I presented a tool called “Ransombile”. It automates the password reset process over SMS for many Alexa top 100 websites and facilitates targeted attacks when having physical access to locked mobile devices for a short period of time. I’ve also talked about the wide impact of compromising voicemail systems at DEF CON and CCC by abusing password reset over phone calls.

While working on these topics, I spent many hours testing and resetting passwords in various different websites. At some point, I started noticing a pattern I hadn’t noticed before. When you want to reset a password, you enter the email and are then presented with different options. Those usually include receiving an email with a unique link to click on, getting an SMS with a secret six digit code or even the option to receive a call and hear the secret code instead.

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Ransombile: Yet another reason to ditch SMS

There are more mobile devices than actual people on this planet. These contain loads of personal information, private files and sensitive data. We carry them everywhere at all times and as such, we are prone to lose them or leave them unattended. What are the real consequences of doing so?

News like the Apple vs FBI case help spread the idea that if a mobile device is locked, encrypted and protected with a PIN or biometrics, it is secure. The truth is, major OS including iOS and Android help and encourage you to downgrade security on locked devices through certain features and insecure settings. Personal assistants on mobile devices are very popular. Siri, OK Google and Cortana are just a few of them. They can perform multiple tasks including calls, sending emails and reading SMS among other sensitive actions. How secure are they? Can we trust our personal assistants to keep our data safe? How about displaying your notifications on the lock screen?

Let’s explore how secure mobile devices are when locked.

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