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GoogleMeetRoulette: Joining random meetings

A while ago, I was at a friend’s house and he mentioned he had to join a work meeting. He used Google Meet to join. The WiFi was acting weird and he was not able to follow the discussion. Someone suggested that he could “call in” making a regular phone call. I overheard that and immediately found myself wondering if there was a way to join meetings I had not been invited to.

In today’s world and global market it is common to have teams spread all around the world. Corporations have offices everywhere, customers can be located in other countries, vendors operate overseas, and in general we have a need to communicate with people that are not in the same location as us.

Daily meetings are something many in the tech industry can relate to. And with teams, customers and vendors in different physical locations, it is common to use video calls. Many times, sensitive topics are discussed. Security, architectures, all hands, financial results, roadmap plannings, new features… These are only a few of the confidential topics discussed in video calls.

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Google and usernames, emails and URLs harvesting

Google Apps for business is a set of Google services for companies including email,

Non existing email
Non existing email

online storage, calendars, etc. This allows companies to avoid the hassle of having to manage all these services in house and simply outsource it. One of those services is email. A company can have their personal email domain but still working under the gmail platform.

Valid emails
Valid emails

I realized that when I enter a valid email address from a company using Google Apps, the response code is 302 with the location header containing an internal url. As you may know, 302 is used to indicate

the browser that the resource is in a different place, specifically where the location header points to. Read more